Lancaster "S for Sugar" Low Top Canvas Shoes

Sale price$59.00 USD

Gender: Men
Color: Black
Size: US5/EU38
Canvas Shoes Size Chart
What Size Am I?
Shoe sizes can vary considerably between brands. A US13 with one brand could be a US12 with another brand.  We always recommend doing a quick foot length measurement to find the correct size. Once you have this, you can ascertain your insole measurement (please see the image below) and then simply look that up on our size chart to locate the most appropriate size.
A detailed guide can be founded here.
We also have a Shoe Size Guarantee to give you peace of mind with your size selection. More details can be found here.
US  (M) US (W) EU INSOLE  (in/cm) 
- 5 35 8.7 22.0
- 5.5 36 8.8 22.5
- 6 37 9.2 23.5
5 7 38 9.4 24.0
6 8 39 9.6 24.5
7 9 40 9.8 25.0
7.5 10 41 10.2 26.0
8.5 11 42 10.4 26.4
9.5 11.5 43 10.8 27.4
10 12 44 11.0 28.0
11 - 45 11.4 29.0
12 - 46 11.8 30.0
13 - 47 12.0 30.5
14 - 48 12.4 31.5
Did You Know?

Lancaster R5868, known as "S for Sugar," achieved a historic milestone as the first RAF heavy bomber to successfully undertake 100 operational sorties. Initially, "S for Sugar" served valiantly with 83 Squadron, completing an impressive 79 operational sorties. However, in November 1943, she was reassigned to 467 Squadron RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force), and her designation was changed to PO-S, signifying "S for Sugar."

On the evening of May 11th, 1944, "S for Sugar" etched her name in history during the bombing of the military camp at Bourg Leopold in Belgium, marking her momentous 100th operation. Throughout her distinguished service, she flew a remarkable total of 137 operational sorties. Her final mission took place on April 23rd, 1945, when she targeted the railway yards at Flensburg, Germany.