OH-6A "Miss Clawd IV" Low Top Canvas Shoes

Sale price$59.00 USD

Gender: Men
Color: Black
Size: US5/EU38
Canvas Shoes Size Chart
What Size Am I?
Shoe sizes can vary considerably between brands. A US13 with one brand could be a US12 with another brand.  We always recommend doing a quick foot length measurement to find the correct size. Once you have this, you can ascertain your insole measurement (please see the image below) and then simply look that up on our size chart to locate the most appropriate size.
A detailed guide can be founded here.
We also have a Shoe Size Guarantee to give you peace of mind with your size selection. More details can be found here.
US  (M) US (W) EU INSOLE  (in/cm) 
- 5 35 8.7 22.0
- 5.5 36 8.8 22.5
- 6 37 9.2 23.5
5 7 38 9.4 24.0
6 8 39 9.6 24.5
7 9 40 9.8 25.0
7.5 10 41 10.2 26.0
8.5 11 42 10.4 26.4
9.5 11.5 43 10.8 27.4
10 12 44 11.0 28.0
11 - 45 11.4 29.0
12 - 46 11.8 30.0
13 - 47 12.0 30.5
14 - 48 12.4 31.5
Did You Know?
This design is based on the Hughes OH-6 nicknamed “Miss Clawd IV” flown by LTC Hugh L. Mills Jr. He is one of the most decorated pilots of the Vietnam War and during his two tours in Vietnam as an aero scout, he flew over 2,000 hours in the OH-6A and over 1,300 hours as a cobra pilot.  He was also shot down an incredible 16 times, 15 of which were in the OH-6A.  He retired from the Army in 1993 during a career where he was awarded the Silver Star x3, Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross x4, Bronze Star x 3, Purple Heart x3 and 7 x Air Medals .   The Army Aviation Museum at Fort Rucker, Alabama has an OH-6 on display painted to represent “Miss Clawd IV”. Click here to learn more about Hugh Mills and the Aeroscouts.