P-51 "Gentleman Jim" Low Top Canvas Shoes

Sale price$59.00 USD

Gender: Men
Color: Black
Size: US5/EU38
Canvas Shoes Size Chart
What Size Am I?
Shoe sizes can vary considerably between brands. A US13 with one brand could be a US12 with another brand.  We always recommend doing a quick foot length measurement to find the correct size. Once you have this, you can ascertain your insole measurement (please see the image below) and then simply look that up on our size chart to locate the most appropriate size.
A detailed guide can be founded here.
We also have a Shoe Size Guarantee to give you peace of mind with your size selection. More details can be found here.
US  (M) US (W) EU INSOLE  (in/cm) 
- 5 35 8.7 22.0
- 5.5 36 8.8 22.5
- 6 37 9.2 23.5
5 7 38 9.4 24.0
6 8 39 9.6 24.5
7 9 40 9.8 25.0
7.5 10 41 10.2 26.0
8.5 11 42 10.4 26.4
9.5 11.5 43 10.8 27.4
10 12 44 11.0 28.0
11 - 45 11.4 29.0
12 - 46 11.8 30.0
13 - 47 12.0 30.5
14 - 48 12.4 31.5

Did You Know?
This design is based on the P-51 Mustang (B6-P, serial number 44-14937) nicknamed “Gentleman Jim” flown by Captain James “Jim” Browning of the 363rd Fighter Squadron, 357th Fighter Group.

Captain Browning christened his P-51 as 'Gentleman Jim,' a moniker perfectly suited to his amiable yet nature. Possessing an unwavering resolve, he honed his flying prowess to exceptional levels. Bud Anderson, reflecting on their camaraderie, remarked, " He could always be depended upon to be there when you needed him. We were great friends.”

Concluding his initial tour in August 1944, Browning briefly returned home before resuming duty with the 357th in November for a second tour. Tragically, on February 9, 1945, Jim Browning was declared Missing in Action following his failure to return from an escort mission. Engaging with Me-262 jet fighters, he was involved in a mid-air collision, leading to his death. He had attained the status of ace with a total of 7 air to air kills.